Talks and more

Conferences, presentations, panels

7/2024 Salmon grief in Sámi digital games. Conference presentation in DiGRA 2024 Conference: Playgrounds.

6/2024 Success reimagined: Sámi redefinitions of what it means to win in game development. Wānaka Whare Karioi ā-Whenua 2024 – International Indigenous Digital Games Summit. 

4/2024 From Intangible to Tangible: Exploring Saami Game Design in Diehtoárran. Keynote. Board Game Studies Colloquium.

4/2024 Sustainability knowledge in Sámi video games. Centre for Non-Anthropocentric Play.

12/2023 “A tale of two paths”: Approaching difference in game research collaboration through gulahalan. Conference talk with Dr. Sabine Harrer. Race in Games and Game Studies Conference.

10/2023 Sámi in Play – exploring Sáminess through video games (workshop) &

Developing Sámi game developers – a decade.(a lecture). Kunsthaus Hamburg, MARKK museum

9/2023 Saamelaislähtöisten pelien tutkimus Helsingin yliopistossa. 30 years anniversary of Saami studies. University of Helsinki.

7/2023 Part of the Fabric of the Universe, and in a Particular Position to Marvel at its Great Beauty. AI: Ancestral Immediacies Technologies of Making the Past Present (Conference). Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin.
 Panel Discussion with Sammy Baloji and Marisa Duarte, moderated by Karen Hao. 

5/2023  Indigenous futures imagined: Amazon and Arctic discussions. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Public talk with Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares, Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen, Francisco Apurinã, Ksenija Hanacek

9/2022 Saamelaisuus pelissä (Public talk). Rovaniemi Kotiseutupäivät. 

8/2022 Let’s Become Story Ready: Decolonizing and Indigenizing European and Migration Studies through Indigenous Storywork. UBC Indigenous Storywork Workshop.
Talking circle leader with Keeta Gladue

8/2022 Gamescom Congress: Sámi in Play – The Possibilities of Collaborative Game Design. A Remote talk.

04/2022 Decolonising the Anthropocene: Indigenous and language-oriented perspectives (panel)
Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen, Stef Spronck, Alvaro Fernandez-Llamazares Onrubia, Outi Kaarina Laiti, Victoria Peemot & Aung Si

10/2021 Panepistemological aspects of research: How Survivance, Indigenous worldview, Sámi intangible cultural heritage and cross-generational nature relationship can define Indigenous digital game design and research processes (talk). Around human, plant and artificial intelligence: Lectures in the framework of the research project ’An Algoliterary Publishing House: making kin with Trees (Brussels, Belgium)

7/2021 ”Outside the Box”: Outside the Racist Nostalgia Box: Rethinking Afrikan tähti’s cultural depictions (Conference presentation: Ropecon 2021)
Sabine Harrer & Outi Kaarina Laiti

7/2021 Games for Change Festival 2021: Developing Indigenous Developers Roundtable
Kauwila Mahi, Outi Kaarina Laiti, Kahentawaks Tiewishaw & Allen Turner

5/2021 Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Virtual Conference 2021: Indigenous Methodologies for Game Design and Development (panel)
Elizabeth LaPensée, Outi Kaarina Laiti, Caroline Old Coyote, Maize Longboat & Michelle Brown

5/2021 Aalto University’s Color of Science public lectures: Sámi Perspectives on Indigenous Knowledges, Technology and Governance
Andrea Botero, Outi Kaarina Laiti & May-Britt Öhman

3/2021 Old ways of knowing, new ways of playing—the potential of collaborative game design to empower Indigenous Sámi (presentation). Sámi Allaskuvla.

3/2021 Speculative Materialities, Indigenous Worldings and Decolonial Futures in Computing & Design . the New Materialist Informatics conference (online). Round-Table Discussion with Goda Klumbyté, Ren Loren Britton, Outi Kaarina Laiti, Luiza Prado de O. Martins, Femke Snelting & Caroline J. Ward

11/2020 Chi Play Conference: Is trying our best good enough? Representation in games research and development. A panel discussion with Marie Jarrell, Mia Consalvo, and Sabine Harrer.

07/2020 DiGRA 2020 (COVID-19 Cancellation). Surviving Whiteness in Videogames. A Panel Discussion with Sabine Harrer, Mahli-Ann Butt, Florence Chee, Kishonna Gray, Rilla Khaled, Amani Naseem, Cale Passmore and Kayode Shonibare-Lewis.

02/2020 Research on Adult Education Conference (Aikuiskasvatuksen tutkimuspäivät): ”Huolipuhe ikääntyneiden digiloikan hidasteena”. A Conference presentation.

09/2019 PG Connects and Blockchain Gamer Helsinki: Sámi in Play panel. A panel discussion with Herkko Pirskainen, Annakaisa Kultima, Aku Seppälä and Marjaana Auranen

05/2019 HASTAC 2019 (UBC) Decolonizing Technologies, Reprogramming Education: Ethnoprogramming: Decolonizing Computation through Indigenous Languages. A Panel Discussion with Nathan Nahina, Kari Kēhau Noe, Daniel Mahi, Jon Corbett, and Mark C. Marino.

11/2018 International Indigenous Research Conference (IIRC, Auckland NZ) Te Reo me Ngā Tikanga Māori – Thriving Indigenous languages and cultures: Sámi Pedagogy and Social Aspects of LearningAn oral presentation with Satu-Maarit Frangou.

11/2017 Media Education Conference – Under the Northern Lights: Towards social learning styles using ICTs in Arctic Pedagogies and learning in the North. An oral presentation with Satu-Maarit Frangou.

09/2017 Arctic Pedagogy and Gamification Seminar – Eallin lea speallu – Gamification in Sámi Education. Speaker. Organized by The Sámi Education Institute (SAKK) Arctic Pedagogy Project, Regional State Administrative Agency, The Finnish Society on Media Education, Sámi allaskuvla Norgesuniversitet-project.